
No, it’s not a typo, 202! is the year that we are going to start soon. I believe that rarely has a New Year been so desired and awaited. We are predisposed to make it an admirable year, worthy of admiration. Welcome to the year 202! We are waiting for you with eagerness, with desire of prosperity, with return to the normality; we are waiting 365 days to try to protect us from the virus and to isolate it from all evil towards us.

Practically the whole year in progress has been, from the collective point of view, the worst year of our life; the worst in health, in fear of contagion, in economic concerns, in social relations and in the cultivation of those relations. It has been the worst year in so many aspects and all of us, without exception, have suffered to a greater or lesser extent from the consequences of the past.

We know that the division of time between December 31st and January 1st is a convention, but January seems to stand out with its vaccines, its expectations of change. Many of us are convinced that at this moment we have overcome the worst of the worst year of our lives and that all that remains ahead of us is ground to be regained. January will be the first of many months of evolution, after so many of involution. The vaccines will bring certainty and freedom to relate with peace of mind; the process will be gradual, but we will gain confidence as we go from tens to hundreds of thousands and millions of people vaccinated. Perhaps the worst quarter of the year will be the most painful and difficult in terms of viral infections and economic constraints. From Easter onwards we will begin to dominate the virus and when summer arrives we will feel relief and will be opening doors and windows, planning trips and some more leisure time and with the autumn we will return to our traditions, without penalties. This is the year that we are all waiting for with the signs that we now have.

2021 I imagine it with a 2 that represents the plurality, the power to be together again with those we love, the 0 is a smiling face or a rising sun after so many clouds and so many showers, in our mood, of the year that finishes; the other 2 is a $ of money, of generation of wealth, of confidence to consume and to generate value and the admiration ! to emphasize all that we expect of this reintegrating year. As a society we have already been sufficiently vaccinated against all kinds of calamities and now with the viral vaccine the world will lose the red blood of pain and we will recover the energetic and saving green. 2021 is a green year of hope and I wish you, me and everyone the best to cover the worst, smiles to forget the tears and wealth to cover the losses. Happy New Year of health.


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